Payment Partnering Made Easy.

Flexible, Secure End-to-End Payment Solutions

A Solution for Every Scenario

At Apex Merchant Brokers, we understand there’s no one-size fits to meeting the today’s payment needs. we’ve designed our partner program with a variety of certification, business and partnership levels so that you can tailor the program.

We Help You Drive Business

Apex Merchant Brokers reduces the complexity in delivering payment connectivity and costs by delivering a true end-to-end solution including utilizing encryption, tokenization, EMV and the latest NFC capability such as ApplePay.

Referral or Agent Programs

Choose from our Referral or Agent programs to meet your needs. With our Referral Program, an Apex Merchant Brokers field sales team is mapped to your branch footprint, and we provide an easy-to-use online lead referral tracking system.

Share in the Revenue

Tap into a source of ongoing revenue for your association and valuable, discounted services for your members. We offer revenue share opportunities for all merchant accounts boarded to Apex Merchant Brokers.

Payments to Grow On

We deliver effective marketing programs and telesales support to promote our payment solutions within your member base. You will realize new revenue while your members will appreciate the significant additional value.

Longevity in Our Relationships

Our focus is on building strong relationships. Many of our MSPs have been with Apex Merchant Brokers for years and have enjoyed expanding their business opportunities globally as we grow in new geographies. We deliver the same level of loyalty and service to your customers as we do our own, ensuring low merchant attrition.

Market Solutions

apexmerchantbrokers precise industry-specific solutions


We are the leading hosts of Hospitality.


We’re rated five stars in Restaurant.


We prescribe winning payment solutions in Healthcare.


Our processing serves the Public Sector.